Rincon Tapatio on Hamilton


  • Web Design


Rincon Tapatio



Rincon Tapatio on Hamilton is a popular local Mexican restaurant located in Spokane, Washington. In an effort to enhance their digital presence and improve customer convenience, I was approached by the owner of the restaurant through a mutual friend.

Prior to this project, Rincon Tapatio had limited digital representation, with the only online ordering option being available through a local vendor. To address this issue, I undertook the task of creating a mobile-friendly website that would provide an exceptional user experience for visitors.

The main focus of the website was to provide an easily accessible and visually appealing menu for customers. To achieve this, I implemented a menu page that was easily able to be viewed by a QR code that I designed to be used as a sticker on the tables of the restaurant. This QR code allowed users to conveniently view the menu on their mobile devices, making it simple and efficient for them to explore the restaurant’s offerings.

Throughout the project, I had the pleasure of working closely with the owners of Rincon Tapatio on Hamilton. Their collaboration and input greatly contributed to the success of the website, ensuring that it accurately represented the restaurant’s atmosphere and cuisine.

Overall, this project aimed to establish a strong digital presence for Rincon Tapatio, enabling them to reach a wider audience and provide their customers with an enhanced online experience.

Rincon Tapatio Menu